

It was wonderful to win the IMDb Audience Award but sadly audience enthusiasm, love and a box of albeit very nice chocolates don’t go far towards making a film! So, to finance Approval Needed, I am putting in approximately 30% of the budget myself and running a Kickstarter campaign to raise the balance.

The Approval Needed Kickstarter campaign is an all or nothing campaign – the pledges will only be collected if the funding goal is achieved. We chose this method because we want our supporters to know that we are being realistic about what it takes to make a film and that their donation is safe with us.

There are giving options to suit all pockets, and some lovely rewards at every level of support, although you can also choose not to receive a thank you gift at all, or even opt to give anonymously. So please do take a look at our Kickstarter page.

My first short film, Rachel, was funded via Kickstarter thanks to the generosity of many lovely friends, family colleagues and plenty of complete strangers too. What I like about looking back at the Rachel campaign is knowing that the team delivered what we promised to, and a lot more besides. Those who supported that campaign have not only received their rewards for donating, but also had the fun and pleasure of knowing that they were instrumental in making an award winning film.

And support comes in many forms, so if you don’t feel able to offer financial support, rest assured that sharing news of the Approval Needed fundraising campaign via your social media feeds is very important to us and would be truly very much appreciated.

many thanks

Karen x